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LHC Nutrition Guide
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Korean Breast Cancer Society Study (2024)
This research found that breast cancer patients on HRT before diagnosis had cancers that were detected earlier, a better prognosis and a higher rate of breast conservation surgery.
Replenish Study, United States (2017)
A study into a new oral formulation of oestradiol and natural progesterone in a combined gelatin capsule. Data suggested combining oestradiol and natural progesterone was safer than HRT containing synthetic progestogen.
Schierbeck Study, Denmark (2012)
A study into the link between HRT and reduced mortality in women. It concluded that women receiving HRT early after menopause had a significantly reduced risk of mortality or heart failure, with no apparent increase in risk of cancer, stroke, or blood clot.
University of Catania Study, Italy (2011)
A small scale study into the impact HRT can have in protecting women against heart disease. It found HRT has a number of positive effects on vascular conditions and other crucial risk factors.
EHC Study, France (2007)
This large cohort study looked at different types of progestogen in combined HRT therapy and the associated risk of breast cancer. It concluded that real progesterone could be preferable.
EPIC Study, France (2005)
This study looked at the link between breast cancers and HRT. It concluded that real progesterone is safer than synthetic progestogen when taken in combination with oestrogen.
Elite Study, United States (2016)
This study shows that starting HRT early in menopause gives protection against blocked arteries that cause heart attacks and strokes. Many studies since then confirm that starting HRT later also gives a benefit - reducing any cardiovascular disease that has already developed.
Oral vs Transdermal Oestrogen Retrospective Study, Switzerland/United States (2021)
This retrospective study of women aged 40-89 years found no increased risk of blood clots when using oral oestrogen compared to transdermal oestrogen.
University of Washington Study, United States (1997)
In this study of post-menopausal women, a long duration of using oestrogen in hormone replacement therapy was found to be associated with a reduced risk of heart disease - the most common cause of death amongst women.
Heart Research Institute, Australia (1999)
This study shows how HRT reduces the thickening or hardening of the arteries by stopping lipids (fatty or waxy compounds) building up.
Paulista State University, Brazil (2019)
This study concluded that postmenopausal women who survive breast cancer are more at risk of heart disease because they aren’t given the preventative benefits of HRT.
Leisure World Cohort Study, United States (2018)
This study found that women who are given long-term oestrogen therapy live longer than women who aren’t.
University of California Study, United States (1994)
This study was the first to show a clear benefit of DHEA replacement in both men and women, finding physical and psychological benefits without side effects.
Vanderbilt University Study, United States (1989)
This study demonstrates the clear benefits and safety of a daily dose of body/bio-identical HRT, finding symptomatic benefits and minimal side effects.
University of Amsterdam Study, The Netherlands (2005)
This study shows the benefit of treating low thyroid with both thyroxine and t3, compared to thyroxine alone.
Oestrogen & Prevention of Degenerative Brain Disease, United States (2001)
This study found that oestrogen could be used to reduce women’s risk of developing degenerative brain disease, such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s, as well as improving mood and memory.
Bayer Schering Pharma Study, Germany (2009)
This study concluded that testosterone is more beneficial to women than oestrogen when it comes to cardiovascular protection. It also improves mood, bone density, libido, and quality of life.
University of Western Australia Study (2007)
This study on men aged between 71 and 89 concluded that older men with depression may benefit from testosterone screening and supplementation.
Testosterone Benefits for Women Study, United States (1998)
This study found that restoring testosterone levels in women can improve quality of life, in terms of sexual libido and general wellbeing, build bones and may be key to protecting cardiovascular health.